Our Weekly Planner Digital Dowload will help get those littles into routine and thrive at home through visuals and autominy. Easy to Laminate for little hands to explore!
Ages Pre-K to Grade 3
Whats included:
-Digital Download of 7 Customizable printables
-Weekly Visual Calender (7 days in a week)
-Daily Checklist
-Activity Prompts
- Extra Curisular add on's
-Self Regulation Check in Prompts
and more!
Click and download in Minutes along with an editable Canva file for all your editing needs.
Giving Back
$1 from your purchase is donated to helping vulnerable little ones providing education, community and love through Help Heal Humanity. Learn more here
I am Capable Digital Download
All sales are final. If you have any questions, kindly email us at kindandconfidented@gmail.com and we will be happy to help.